I blame Nick Cave for this irritating niggle. The theater in the film is so reminiscent of his acoustic song when I saw him perform. Anyway, I'm pretty sure it's an international movie and probably spainish or french. Maybe Bunel.
So today was the last day of roam a book shop and just pick what you want. I now must read two for every one I want to buy.
And of course what did I not get? Wuthering Heights *sigh* May I go and get that even if I haven't read from my 51 yet? I am almost done with the three Bananas.....Halfaway through Kitchen...
I read a review of The Omnivore's Dilemma. That looks like an interesting read. Has anyone read The Botany of Desire yet and if so what did you think? Was it dry and dessicated or so fascinting couldn't put it down stuff?
Okay I'm going to get some sleep so I can be benevolent dictator tomorrow. I already told one group they could not do their play as is. Plot gentlemen. Every play needs a plot or you should move to the Fox Network***CV